Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sprinting for God

Homicide Report: Jamiel Shaw, Jr. a handsome black young man 17 years old, shown in his football uniform. He was approached by three Hispanics, asked what gang he belonged to and didn't respond. He was shot by these strangers and then held by his father. He died at the hospital.

Ratchonok Seeswa, a 28 year old Asian woman was stabbed to death in Downey.

Glen Giles, a 47 year old man was stabbed 18 times. He was the Director of New Business for Hallmark Data Systems

Two young men, Byron San Jose and Edwin Arevalo were shot by police officers in separate incidents. There were several comments on these deaths expressing anger at either the police or the young men.

Lord, we lift up these souls and their families to you. We ask you send comfort to those experiencing these losses first hand. We ask for healing from anger.


This weekend twenty-seven thousand runners hit the streets of Los Angeles for the LA Marathon. Wow, 27,000!

Paul talks about "running the good race." Wouldn't it be great if 27,000 believers trained and ran as hard spreading the power of peace as those marathoners did for a new Honda?

Think of the possibilities for real change in LA if we all really got charged at the starting line and sprinted to the finish for God.

Think about it.

Mother T.

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