Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Be Still, L.A.

Returning to LA has been a fascinating and jarring dose of culture shock. There are so many different stratas of society, culture, economics levels, religions and value systems all mixed into the cosmic soup of Los Angeles.

In some ways it's a modern version of Chicago in the 1930's when Al Capone and his fellow gangsters tore through the streets with tommy guns-- The Untouchables. Only 41% of homicides in LA are solved because people are afraid of retaliation. Last November a man on a crowded street was doused with gasoline and set on fire in broad daylight. No witnesses, no suspects.

Fear reigns.

Fear reigns and faith is weak. People here are so busy driving from place to place, scrambling for a living, listening to their I-POD and talking on their cell phone. They can't hear the Voice of God.

"Be Still and Know that I am God"

I believe the Lord is calling to many and they need only learn to be still and His voice will be heard over the din of planes, trains, ambulances, helicopters, lawn mowers and TV's.

Be Still, LA. Find a quiet place, a restful moment, a book of encouragement. Be Still and hear the whisper of Spirit--Fear not, for the Lord is with you.

Oh Lord, help us be Still to feel your presence, to know You. With You all things are possible. With You all fears released. Give us the courage to make our communities safe and filled with Your spirit.

So Be It,
Mother T

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