Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Small Miracles

Homicide Report: A young man named Carlos Castillos was shot by police after he apparently tried to rob three people. Another young man lost to desperation and violence. Peace to the spirit of Carlos Castillos and comfort to the family he leaves behind.

Every day I force myself to read the LA Times Homicide Report. It's a hard thing to do. I imagine the mother of the lost child, the friends feeling the pain. When I see news bites about the ones that make the 5 o'clock broadcast, I feel like I know the family. Day after day, it's hard to continue.

Yet, I also know that by lifting up these families, this city in the higher vibrations of prayer, it can make a difference. So, I carry on.

Today I am impressed to expect small miracles. There's been a lot of buzz about the Law of Attraction. While some of it reeks of rank "Name it and Claim It"--Lord, I see myself in that new Miatta convertible, there is a lot of validity to the Law of Attraction. The idea boils down to this: We attract what we dwell upon. Unfortunately, it works not only for positive, but for negative. If all we think about is how broke we are, we will stay forever broke.

So, for today let's practice pondering small miracles. For LA I'd picture gentle rain with the hillsides staying firm; smiles to the strangers we pass on the street; gang members who leave their guns at home; homeless finding a dry place to sleep and warm food to eat; kindness breaking out all over town.

Oh, and just for grins, let's pray a cosmic hand guides a 40 million dollar missile into a perfect trajectory for a runaway satellite charging faster than the speed of sound toward earth. As Gilda Radner used to say, "It's always something."

Lord, bless LA today with countless small miracles.

So Be It--

Mother T

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