Monday, February 18, 2008

A City of Need

A prayer of consolation for the spirits and families of Eileen Orta, Emily Grigsby and Rafael Rodriguez who perished over the weekend through violent acts as listed on the Homicide Report.

The LA Times had an interview this morning with Pastor Jeff Carr who heads up gang intervention for the city of Los Angeles. He has a daunting and dangerous task. I pray that he be empowered and protected by the Holy Spirit.

Finally, today I lift the struggling victims of the fire storms of last fall. Rebuilding lives after total devastation takes tremendous time, energy, and resources. It requires communities to come together and help each other.

Lord, I lift the people of Calfornia whose lives were disrupted and injured by the fires. Send them the help they need to move forward. Let Your spirit be known to them as they turn to you for intervention.

So Be It

Mother T

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