Thursday, April 24, 2008

Farewell to Elaine Garza

Another week of senseless violence unfolds on the Homicide Report. The most baffling murders occurred Sunday in Compton as a man in a wheel chair and his caregiver were shot going to the IHOP. The madess continues.

The news yesterday featured the lovely Elaine Garza who was murdered in a shopping center parking lot. According to the newscast Elaine had been active in anti-gang activity and encouraged youth to choose another life path.

Her husband and family will severely miss her. Let's pray that her death was not in vain. Elaine Garza put her life on the line. May the community continue to follow her example of courage in the face of evil.

Lord, bring peace to the family and friends of Elaine Garza. Make her life a shining banner for change to our community.

So be it,
Mother T

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elaine Garza, aka "Baby" was no saint - she was a brutal crime lord, drug dealer, and pimp who terrorized the El Monte underworld and sold her clients out to the police when they crossed her. I've never so much as touched that world, but I know several locals who have dabbled in things I'd never want to, and believe me - she was no community activist. If there was a rotten pie in El Monte, that woman had her finger in it.

Any murder is senseless, pointless, and terrible, but Elaine Garza was not the saint you make her out to be. She is no poster child for the senselessness of violence; she herself perpetuated these cycles.