Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Break the ties that bind

Last evening the news announced the arrests of shooting suspects in January incidents in Long Beach. Three young people were shot and two died at a birthday party at the Masonic Lodge. A boy and girl were killed when univited gang members showed up and fired into the crowd.

With the encouragement of police and clergy witnesses found the courage to speak. Their information led to the arrests. This sort of cooperation to gang shooting is unusual, but more remarkable were the statements of one of the victim's mothers.

She reached out in love and forgiveness to the shooters--children themselves. She sees the bigger picture that all of them are victims in this cycle of violence. She wanted to know the names and the families so she could pray for them. I'm glad her remarks were not left on the cutting room floor.

Forgiveness if the hallmark of the Christ message--and the most difficult to achieve in tragic circumstances. Revenge and retaliation comes so much more naturally. Yet unforgiveness is a shroud, a death to joy and hope.

Eastern religions would say it creates bad karma--a negative tie between unforgiving parties, a cosmic tug-of-war that only forgiveness can break.

If you're struggling with unforgiveness ask the Holy Spirit to help you release it.

Lord, send your Spirit to release the bonds of unforgiveness. Help us forgive others so we can forgive ourselves and be set free from the pain of our losses.

So be it,
Mother T

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